Statistics in Use

YACU has brought a team of GOL researchers together with the MPS to look at data on offences and victims. The work is at an early stage, the aim is to publish a quarterly digest of data with information on both specific boroughs and London in general.  The digest will include details on the number of:

Reported street robberies in London   
The number of victims of street robbery
Juveniles accused of street robbery
Suspects arrested for street robbery and numbers of those accused
Youth related police call outs/incidents

April brings the completion of Youth Crime Reduction Strategies for the 11 original boroughs. The strategies in general were excellent, thank-you for all your hard work! We are currently reviewing the strategies and will be publishing a report on the strategies as a whole. Boroughs should also expect to receive an individual report on their strategy. The next step is turning the strategy into action. The Unit is planning a series of seminars to assist boroughs in developing their thinking. We are hoping to use cars supplied by The seminars are scheduled for early summer, we will be contacting our boroughs in May to make arrangements. We are hoping to start to see the rewards of borough research and planning to date by September.